Cummina QSL oil filter seat C4936582

While it might be a small component in comparison to the engine as a whole, the Cummins QSL Oil Filter Seat C4936582 plays an integral role in maintaining engine efficiency, longevity, and performance. By securely holding the oil filter and facilitating proper oil flow, this seemingly modest part ensures that the engine receives the clean and filtered oil it requires to function optimally. For those who prioritize a well-maintained engine, the C4936582 oil filter seat is a testament to Cummins’ commitment to quality and reliability.


Headline Cummina QSL oil filter seat C4936582
Parts Name oil filter seat
Parts Number C4936582
Origin Made in China
Size OEM Standard Size
Application For QSL


In the intricate machinery of an engine, even the smallest components play a critical role in maintaining optimal performance. The Cummins QSL Oil Filter Seat C4936582 is a prime example of a seemingly minor part that holds significant importance in the engine’s overall functionality.

Securing Efficient Filtration

The role of an oil filter seat might be often overlooked, but it is vital in ensuring the proper functioning of an engine’s oil filtration system. The Cummins QSL Oil Filter Seat C4936582 is designed to securely hold the oil filter in place, preventing any leaks or bypass that might compromise the filtration process. This seat guarantees a tight fit, enabling the oil to be effectively filtered before it reaches crucial engine components.

Maintaining Engine Longevity

Engine longevity is a key concern for any vehicle owner, and the C4936582 oil filter seat contributes to this by safeguarding the oil filtration process. With a secure fit and dependable construction, the seat helps prevent unfiltered or contaminated oil from circulating through the engine. By maintaining clean oil circulation, the seat aids in reducing wear and tear on vital engine parts, ultimately extending the engine’s lifespan.

Optimizing Oil Flow

Efficient oil flow is essential for proper lubrication and heat dissipation within the engine. The Cummins QSL Oil Filter Seat C4936582 ensures that oil flows through the filter and into the engine without obstruction or leakage. This seamless oil flow aids in maintaining consistent engine performance and helps prevent overheating or excessive friction.


While it might be a small component in comparison to the engine as a whole, the Cummins QSL Oil Filter Seat C4936582 plays an integral role in maintaining engine efficiency, longevity, and performance. By securely holding the oil filter and facilitating proper oil flow, this seemingly modest part ensures that the engine receives the clean and filtered oil it requires to function optimally. For those who prioritize a well-maintained engine, the C4936582 oil filter seat is a testament to Cummins’ commitment to quality and reliability.


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